
非常適合為各種設備和平台創建帶有自定義徽標、設計和顏色的安全、免費的 QR 碼。

Frequently asked questions about QR Code Scanner

QR 碼掃描器是一種基於硬體或軟體的工具,旨在讀取和解釋快速回應 (QR) 碼。這些代碼將資訊儲存在白色背景上黑色方塊的二維矩陣中。

QR 碼掃描器使用相機或影像感測器來捕捉 QR 碼。然後,掃描器分析正方形圖案,並將其轉換為字母數字字元或其他類型的數據,具體取決於 QR 碼中編碼的資訊。

QR 碼可以儲存各種類型的信息,包括網站 URL、聯絡資訊 (vCard)、Wi-Fi 網路憑證、純文字等。儲存的資料類型取決於 QR 碼的格式和產生它的應用程式。

QR codes themselves do not have inherent security features. The security of the information encoded in a QR code depends on the content it holds. Users should exercise caution and avoid scanning QR codes from unknown or untrusted sources to mitigate potential security risks.

Most QR code scanners are designed to read standard QR code formats (versions 1 to 40). They can generally handle common types of QR codes, but specialized codes may require specific scanners or software.

QR code scanners are used in a variety of applications, including marketing, ticketing, product packaging, contactless payments, authentication, and inventory management. Their versatility makes them valuable across different industries.

Yes, you can scan a QR code without an app online. To do so you need to use a web app such as https://www.qrcodes.design.  That allows you to instantly scan any code from an image or even a webcam.

While QR codes are commonly used in marketing for activities like product promotion and advertising, they have a wide range of applications. QR codes are used in logistics, ticketing, contactless payments, authentication, and more.

Yes, qrcodes.design allows you to scan a QR code from a picture. Firstly find a picture of the QR code. Open the qrcode.design website. Now drag and drop or upload the image in the given area. The scanned data will appear just next to it. That can be copied and shared.